LMBPN Editing Series

EDITING doesn't have to be a slog.

Learn the tips, tricks, and processes the veteran editors at LMBPN use to consistently turn out high-quality content on a rapid publishing schedule.

Grab these handy resources

Presentation Slide Deck

Work through the slides presented at the 2022 20BooksTo50K Vegas conference at your pace.

Weasel Words list

The extensive spreadsheet you'll use and reuse when cleaning up prose of all types.

Avoiding the P-cubed Trap

A clear explanation of what it is and ways to check whether you fell into it.

Dances With Dialogue

Your handy guide to conquering punctuation for dialogue and action tags.

Strunk & White

The Elements of Style, third edition. 

Triple-H Confusion

No, not the wrestler. This list covers homonyms, homophones, and homographs. UPDATED 3/18/24

Tips and Tricks for Self-Editing

A selection of common-sense "notes from the trenches." 

Ground vs. Floor vs. Deck

A graphic reminder of the general rule of thumb for when to use each.

Simple Fixes for Common Editing Mistakes

A list of common problems and the fast way to find and fix them.