My Three Words (2014 Edition)

new_years_2014A few years back, Chris Brogan introduced me to the concept of My Three Words through his blog. Since I’m notoriously bad at making and keeping New Year’s resolutions, I thought I’d give My Three Words a try instead. Three years and a lot of changes for the better later, I still believe in and use this to help me focus on what I want to accomplish in the coming year.

This year was a little harder than the past two when I sat down to choose my three words. They didn’t come to me easily. In fact, it’s only been within the past couple of days that the words that best define the areas I want to work on have solidified in my head. But now that they’ve gelled, they feel right – at least for me.

Risk. Take chances and create opportunities in both my personal and professional life. Do this in spite of being unsure, afraid, or even just plain lazy on occasion. Push myself beyond my previous (often self-imposed) limits. This doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll jump into things blindly, although sometimes you’ve just got to take the leap of faith and trust yourself to come out of it flying instead of crashing.

Present. As in, be present. Like many of us, I often allow digital distractions to take away from the moment – which not only robs myself and whomever I’m with of my full and undivided attention, but also cheapens the value of the connection we’re trying to make or the work we’re trying to do. I’m making a choice, every time my attention starts to wander, of whether I should allow the interruption (Is it an emergency? Is it relevant to, or new information about, the discussion or work I’m doing?) or not.

Live. Like the two words preceding this one, it’s all about making a choice – and then working hard to keep making it – to change how I live my life. It includes things like keep eating healthier; be more ‘in the moment;’ make new connections and keep the ones that mean the most to me alive and well. It also includes not being a spectator in my own life.

Enough about me. Let’s turn this around to you. What are your three words? I’d love to hear what they are, and why you chose them. And no, it’s not too late to choose them if you haven’t already. The year is just getting started.

Inspiration Alone ≠ Success

"Success seems to be connected with action."Inspiration comes in many forms, from many places, events, things and people. Success often comes from inspiration, but almost never without putting in a lot of work. Hard, unglamorous, often tedious work that’s fraught with mistakes and anxiety. So how do you get from inspiration to success? Do the work. 

Whatever your idea is, think it through. Do some research. Try it, and be prepared to keep trying it…repeatedly. And just when you think you’ve got it right, be flexible enough to try a different aspect of it. But don’t paralyze yourself by keeping things in the concept stage: inspiration is only the first step to success. Take action, keep moving and do the work to make yourself, your product or your idea successful.

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New Beginnings

As I set up this brand-spanking-new blog and start generating its first post, the question in my mind isn’t “where to start,” it’s a reiteration to myself of the words I chose for My 3 Words for 2012:  Believe. Dare. Do.the road to 2012 (image)

If you’ve made it to my About page already, or you read my 2011 guest post on Brass Tack Thinking, then you probably have an idea of why I chose the three words I did. Yes, they’re intensely personal and deal with some issues I have, along with being gentle reminders about some core values and treating others decently. No, I’m not saying you have to adopt the same three (or even that you’d define them the same way). But for me, they’re a reminder of a promise I made to myself of the direction I want my life to head in as I move forward.

I’m working to instill a greater belief in myself – my skills, capabilities and self-esteem – and that I can do the things I want to do with my life. Yes, it’s sometimes an uphill battle but each step forward is a victory over that internal voice of fear that says “I can’t” or “what if I fail.”

I’m pushing myself to try new things, step out of my comfort zone, and share more of “me” with others. Publicly, without expectation of return, and without panicking (okay, maybe not that last one…yet). I may decide that some of the things I try just aren’t for me in the long run, but at least I will have tested the waters, so to speak, and made a conscious choice about them.

I’ve committed to learn more, to grow both personally and professionally, to share lessons learned and experiences (good and bad), to act where my training, conscience and ethics tell me I should, and to be kinder to myself and others. And let me tell you, being kinder to myself is the hardest one on this list!

It’ll be interesting to see where my three words lead me in 2012. Hopefully it will be a time of (mostly) wondrous discovery and fun. And whether you chose resolutions, three words, or nothing at all, I hope 2012 brings all of us health, enjoyment, peace and prosperity.

Photo credit: Daily Cool Pics