The “great newsletter experiment” commences

Okay, so that title might be a bit tongue-in-cheek.

Why? Because I’m not sending newsletters at this time. It’s a deliberate choice.

I’ve had a newsletter provider for years, but I’m not happy with some of their practices. Other authors who also use them have problems, which makes me want to get away before I have similar issues when I’m ready to scale up.

So I’m testing a provider I’ve never used. We’ll see how it goes. Their platform is different, and they don’t offer a lot of design bells and whistles. That’s okay. For now, simpler is better. Once I get more familiar with how they do things, maybe it’ll become an issue. Or not.

image of a newsletter key on a keyboard replacing the Enter key

What you’ll (eventually) get from the new platform: Announcements and updates about my stories and author-related happenings.

What you won’t get: Anything to do with editing tips and tricks, general life updates, and the like. Those will stay here or on social media, respectively.

Yes, I’m playing the long game with newsletters. No, you don’t have to sign up right now. Or at all. But if you’re curious… Two sets of characters are getting mighty talkative, which means the word counts in two WIPs are climbing.

Yes, two. In unrelated genres and worlds, at that.

Was working on two books simultaneously planned? *snorts* Not in the least. I was happily working on one.

Characters, I tell ya. They’re responsible for that dustup. When they get going, I can’t keep up with filling out their incident reports.

Good thing they make it fun. 🙂