When are we going to wake up and realize that the problems we’re facing as a society start and end with us as individuals?
When are we going to understand that sitting back and wishing for “someone else” to start the change is not the answer?
When are we going to stop demanding that others be accountable for our actions and start taking responsibility for our own? And taking that a step further…when are we going to resume teaching our kids that their actions have consequences and repercussions?
WHEN are we going to realize – and ACT – on the fact that if we want change to happen, IT STARTS WITH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US AS INDIVIDUALS??
It’s time to stop being apathetic, lazy and filled with the “I can’t change anything; I’m powerless” syndrome. If you want a better world, it’s up to you – and me, and every single other person alive – to make it happen. Be a part of the change. Start now.
Photo shared from RIP Conneticut Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Victims – 12/14/12 Facebook page.